Order Status: Completed
The customer's order was completed without any complications.
Order Status: In Progress
The customer's order is yet to be fulfilled.
Order Status: Issue
The order placed by the customer presented some complications including discrepancies as well as issues with the bot, so it had to be completed manually.
- Waiting for Refund: Orders that are escalated for a full refund
- Invalid KTN(Bot Issue): The customer supplied an incorrect KTN.
- Renewing Too Early (Bot Issue): A customer who is applying for renewal too early.
- Other (Bot Issue): If the order status shows "Other Issues" as the issue, you can determine the nature of the problem by looking at the notes.
Order Status: Completed
The customer's order was processed without any issue and they have been assigned a PASS ID. The system/bot will now send them instructions to take control of their TTP account via email.
Order Status: Submitted
The PASS ID has not been allocated to this order yet. When the bot recognizes that the PASS ID has been assigned, the order will be completed.
Order Status: Customer Took Over
Our Bot detected that the order had already been completed and the customer had obtained control of their TTP account.
NOTE: Confirm if the customer has taken control of their account by attempting to sign in with their login details on the TTP website.
Order Status: Issues
The order placed by the customer presented some complications including discrepancies as well as issues with the bot, so it had to be completed manually.
- Waiting for Refund: Orders that are escalated for a full refund.
- Payment Issue(Bot Issue): An issue concerning manual fulfillment not processing payments correctly.
- Incorrect PassID(Bot Issue): The customer supplied an incorrect PassID.
- Incomplete Information(Bot Issue): Typically, there are discrepancies between the name on an application and other sources of identification.
- Incorrect Passport Number(Bot Issue): The customer supplied an incorrect Passport Number.
- Renewing Too Early(Will Wait)(Bot Issue): The customer agreed to wait until their renewal date.
- Renewing Too Early(No Response)(Bot Issue):
- Other(Bot Issue): If the order status shows "Other" as the issue, you can determine the nature of the problem by looking at the notes.
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