The whole content of the form is pertinent to the person applying.
- Request the necessary changes be made to the Zendesk system, per CX's request for a change in name, phone number, and email address, in order to ensure consistency with the changes made to the Order App. Seek guidance from your Direct SME for completing this task.
- Update certain parts of the form by selecting the relevant number corresponding to the information they wish to provide such as a US passport book, card or both, hair color, eye color, etc.
- Change the Customer's name in the Order Details section if the CX wants to correct their name on the form.
NOTE: If a customer claims that their suffix is not appearing on the form, add it to the end of their Last Name.
- If you need to modify a DATE, such as date of birth, the correct format is Year-Month-Date.
SHORTCUT: CTRL+F, Enter "Date" or "Birth"
- If you need to modify the place of birth of the applicant born outside the United States, CX will only require the City and Country of birth. You can leave the State of Birth field blank and enter the full name of the country in the Country of Birth field.
- If the customer's previous passport has a different name, or if they have changed their name, they must include their former name.
SHORTCUT:CTRL+F, Enter "Former"
- If a customer requests to add a permanent address, check if it is the same as the mailing address. If it is the same, there is no need to add a permanent address. But if it is different from the mailing address, update the permanent address in the Order App and make sure to set the Permanent Address Same to "0" (No) in order for the changes to appear on the form.
- In the event of a customer requesting to add an Emergency Contact, advise the customer to provide the information for a person who is not traveling with them to be contacted in the case of an emergency.
- If a customer requests to remove their Travel Plans, there is no need to manually update the Travel Plans to "NONE" as it will automatically update the form if the Travel Plans field is left empty.
SHORTCUT: CTRL+F, Enter "Trip"
- Ensure that the "Parent 1 Unknown or Parent 2 Unknown" section is updated if the CX requests to alter the parents' information.
SHORTCUT: CTRL+F, Enter "Unknown"
If the CX is unable to provide the necessary information for a "Name Change Reason", our website will direct them to complete a DS-11 Form even if they meet the requirements for a DS-82.
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